How is Perfume Made? 4 Facts About Your Favorite Fragrances

How is Perfume Made? 4 Facts About Your Favorite Fragrances
How is Perfume Made? 4 Facts About Your Favorite Fragrances

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  1. Raw Materials Used in Fragrances
    1. Flowers - rose, jasmine, lavender
    2. Fruits - citrus, berries
    3. Herbs and Spices - vanilla, cinnamon
    4. Woods and Resins - sandalwood, frankincense
    5. Animal Products - musk, ambergris
  2. Extraction Methods
    1. Distillation
      1. Heat applied to plants in distillation
      2. Steam carries aroma and becomes liquid in cooling system
    2. Solvent
      1. Solvent poured over plants in container
      2. Solvent dissolves aromatic compounds and filtered
    3. Cold Press
      1. Fruit rind mechanically pressed, squeezing the oil
      2. Oil is extracted and juice and water are separated
    4. Enfleurage
      1. Glass frames smeared with layer of fat
      2. Fresh flowers placed on fat, releasing oils
  3. Perfume Aging
    1. Aging enhances the perfume’s aroma by melding fragrance notes
    2. Aging & maturation can take months to years
  4. Perfume Testing
    1. Stability and Chemical Testing
      1. Guarantees the fragrance meets standards
    2. Longevity Testing
      1. Perfumiers subject the fragrance to conditions to simulate aging
    3. Safety Testing
      1. Tests are done on volunteers to determine if allergens are at safe levels

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